You sobbed on Bid Day, Big/Little reveal gave you chills and you're always wearing shirts with your letters (or a shack shirt...or 3 or 4). What matters, though, is that you made it. You survived a week of hell. A week that has been erased from your memory because it caused you that much mental and emotional anguish.

Recruitment week causes you to question your identity, your beauty, your charisma and your purpose, which is why it's important to prepare yourself and learn how to cope. It's not all bad, though. The intentions are good, but I won't lie, it's tough to get through.

I wasn't joking when I said we're tackling the five stages of grief; we are literally going stage by stage to understand the roller coaster of emotions every girl experiences during Hell Week.

1. Denial

Everyone is hot and perfect, and you're starting to feel overwhelmed. You take on two mindsets of denial: 1) the everything-will-be-okay-this-isn't-happening route or 2) the I'm-going-to-drop-out-of-college route. 

2. Anger

Now, everything is just frustrating. You got dropped from some of your favorite houses. Everything seems to be going wrong and you're tired of people offering you "ice water." Who even calls it that anymore? 

3. Bargaining

Utter desperation or survival? You pick. There's only one way out of this mad house, and bargaining might be the answer. Now the question is whether to set up an outrageous blackmail scheme or tempt with money... or maybe even both.

4. Depression

Besides reconciling your dignity and pride during the bargaining stage, there's a part of you that is sad. Anytime we feel rejected or unwanted, this kind of a stage is inevitable. Read on to find out how to cope with this.

#SpoonTip: Don't let it bring you down. You're still wanted and loved. It's just part of the process. 

5. Acceptance

Whether your journey results in literal acceptance (a bid card with your name on it) or mental acceptance, you'll come to a point where your head is clear of all the chaos. It's a process, a journey and an experience. Cherish the good times and the bad, but try not to let it get the best of you. 

And finally, how to cope.

Keep in mind a few things throughout your rush week. Recruitment is just one event. It's worked for years, and it will probably continue to work. Everyone has the same intention of inclusion and integration into the school, but the way it's done can be a little tough. College is a pivotal moment. Everything changes, you lose some comforts from home and you're forced to grow up.

Joining a sorority/fraternity or some other inclusive organization is just another way to make friends and reap the benefits of going to college. So throughout your process, focus on the positive energy. Focus on your choices, try not to compare yourself to everyone else and think of the end result.