Dessert Goals is an annual festival featuring all kinds of epic desserts. Usually hosted in either Los Angeles or New York, this year’s Dessert Goals was different, much like 2020 itself. In order to comply with social distancing and other various safety protocols, the two-day-long food festival pivoted and was held completely online. I know what you're thinking, how can a food festival work if it's online only? Well, let me tell ya.

From how-to segments and a virtual workout to guest panels and follow-along with macaroon making, this year's Digital Dessert Goals had it all. What stood out most to me was the fact that I was able to listen to some of the most influential people in food like Willa Pelini (Co-Founder, Bakers Against Racism) giving a Keynote speech, and Michael Platt (Founder, Michaels Desserts) teaching you how to make ice cream in a bag, all from the comfort of my own home, and if we're being honest, my own bed. There was even a panel on how to be a food influencer from Brunch Boys’ very own Jeremy Jacobowitz. Mind = blown.

Digital Dessert Goals was extra special this year because there was an online vendor alley, so all participants could support the local businesses involved with this year's event. There was even a digital goodie bag full of exclusive discounts for everyone who attended. If you missed out on Digital Dessert Goals this year, don’t worry! You can still view all of this amazing content through August 9th. Grab your ticket here through Saturday, August 8th, use code SWEET5 for 20% off your tickets.