Whether it's for your 21st birthday, the food and wine festival, or just a weekend getaway, drinking around the world at Epcot is definitely the move. Imagine: in just one day, you can conquer eating and drinking a variety of items from 11 different countries.

Last weekend, I went to Disney with my family and a friend. The original plan was just to visit two parks. Realizing that we were able to finish Animal Kingdom before 11am got our gears turning. I looked over to my friend and we simultaneously agreed, "Let's do another!" Not even five minutes later, we were already on a Disney bus headed to Epcot.

Thankfully, I took a trip to Epcot last December with one of my clubs, so I had already done my extensive research. I had composed a huge list with everything that we needed to buy in each country, making us prepared and ready to conquer the world.

The hardest part about taking this trip was saving money. Being a broke college student is hard, especially on a trip to any Disney park. If you are ready to take a trip to Epcot, be warned. Be prepared to surrender your wallet to your favorite little mouse. Sure it is expensive, but think about it this way: you are traveling the world in one day, which would be way cheaper than if you were to do it the actual way.

Before I present the good stuff, here are some tips to get you through the day:

1. Drink LOTS of water: Alcohol is notorious for dehydrating your body. It is essential that you make sure to have a glass of water at every country, or else, you may not make it, my friend. 

2. Don't rush through it: Like our friendly bartender in England warned, "It's a marathon, not a race." Take your time. You have an entire day to get lit, so there's no need to rush through it all. This is Disney we are talking about, I can assure you that the alcohol is going no where. They probably have 100 more bottles of that that Vodka in the back. 

3. Try to not break the seal: The last thing you want is to also be visiting the bathrooms in every country. Unless you're willing to try the underage version...around the world in 11 bathrooms? 

4. Share drinks, or have your friends get different drinks: You are there to taste the different flavors of each country. If everyone buys a different drink at every stop, everyone will be able to determine their favorite drink at each country with a little sip of their friend's drinks. 

5. EAT: Whether your drunk self admits it or not, your body needs food if you are planning on drinking the entire day. Fuel your body with snacks as you walk your way around the park. 

6. Buy a Disney gift card: If you buy a card prior to starting your drinking/eating journey, you will be able to set your budget. It's a gift card. If you put the amount of money you want to spend on the card, you are more inclined to stick to your budget. Instead of having multiple credit card transactions, this gift card allows you to be mindful of the amount you spend.

7. Start in Mexico: Tequila is killer, so it is better to start with the hard stuff, to pace yourself afterwards. 

8. Be respectful: Yeah, it is fun getting lit with your best group of friends, but you guys aren't the only people there. Remember, there are families around you, so please keep it classy, never trashy. The last thing you want is to look sloppy in front of Susan and her 12 children.

1. MEXICO - Tequila Shot

Lick, drink, and suck a tequila shot at La Cava del Tequila.

If you go inside of the Mexican pyramid, you will be able to spot this little gem on your right hand side. Once you surpass the line, you will have the option to pick amongst a variety of different tequilas and specialty margaritas. They have everything from a tequila flight, to an avocado margarita (which is surprisingly really good).

If you choose to pick a tequila shot, it comes with this little shot of Sangrita. This is a mix of tomatoes, lime and other tasty ingredients. It may not sound appetizing at first, but trust me, this is probably the best tequila chaser money can buy. 

Unfortunately, the deal pictured above is no longer available, but you can grab some chips and guac, or tacos at the outside pavilion quick service La Cantina de San Angel instead!

Broke college student tip: If you have a Twitter account, you can buy a tequila shot for $8 (cheapest shot on the menu). Just follow @cavadeltequila, and ask for the "Twitter shot", and BOOM! You can buy two shots for the price of one, you're welcome.

2. NORWAY - Viking Coffee

When conducting my research, several sites told me to try the Aquavit Glacier Shot.  After reading more into the shot, I found out that it tastes like dill pickles. I am definitely not a dill nor a pickle person. Thank you, but I tried something else. 

Head on over to the Kringla Bakeri Og Kafe to grab a cup of Viking Coffee, and pair it with their famous School Bread (pictured above). If you are a fan of coffee, you need to try this drink. This is a perfect blend of Kamora Coffee Liqueur and Bailey's Irish Cream; so good, that you won't want to "let it go." 

3. CHINA - Tipsy Ducks in Love

Kung fu fight your way over to the Joy of Tea counter, and ask for the Tipsy Ducks in Love. Another coffee? Yes, this drink is a drink "worth fighting for." At first, my friend and I were skeptical on getting a second coffee drink during our expedition, but no regrets. This drink contains Bourbon Whisky, Coffee, Black Tea, Cream and Chocolate Syrup. I know it is a strange combo, but this one did not disappoint. It tastes like coffee, a hint of chocolate, and yes, you can definitely taste the whiskey. Let's just say that we managed to finish the entire drink before leaving China.

Before you go, don't forget to munch on some pork and vegetable egg rolls.

4. GERMANY - Altenmunster Oktoberfest

Melissa Rodriguez

Germany -- the land of beer, sausage, and bread. In this miniature German village, you can find all of the above and more at the Sommerfest counter in the heart of the pavilion. 

Although people will say to choose the Pink Grapefruit Hefeweizen, the Oktoberfest beer is the real winner. For those that prefer a sweeter drink, stick with the popular Grapefruit beer.

Don't let your beer get lonely; pair it with a jumbo pretzel, Bratwurst, or Nudel Gratin (macaroni with cheese custard).

5. ITALY - Peach Bellini

While in Italy, sip on some fine wine at the Tutto Gusto Wine Cellar, or indulge in some Italian favorites at the Via Napoli Ristorante e Pizzeria. Enjoy a nice crisp Peach Bellini, while holding a glorious slice of pizza. As the Italians say, "Bevici su" (drink up).

If traveling with more than 2 friends, order a 1/2 Meter Mezzo Metro Pizza. Yeah that's right folks, they sell a pizza that is half a meter long. No matter how you slice it, it is definitely a huge pizza.

6. AMERICA - Frozen Red Stag Lemonade

Three cheers for the red, white, and booze. 

Pat yourself on the back. If you have made it to this point, you have officially made it half way through the world...the Epcot one, at least.

Waltz your way over to the American pavilion, and order a classic American beer, craft beer, or opt for the Frozen Red Stag Lemonade.  This drink is the combination of lemonade with a splash of Red Stag Black Cherry Bourbon.

While at the Fire and Drum Tavern, don't miss out on getting a Jumbo turkey leg, or an iconic Mickey pretzel. 

7. JAPAN - Tokyo Sunset

HIYA! Karate chop your way into Japan, and head straight into Katsura Grill to get a Tokyo sunset. At this point, if you have committed to getting a drink at each location, this will be a rest spot (drink-wise) for you. This drink is sweet, but refreshing, and not as strong as drinks you have consumed at the beginning of the day. (Unless you are brave enough to take down a shot of Sake or throw back a Sake bomb.)

FYI: They actually do not sell "sake bombs" at the quick service counters. You might even get a weird look from the cashier, because most of the time, they have no clue what you are talking about.

Sake bombs are actually a Westernized concept, with an unknown origin, so if you are interested in getting one, you will need to DIY. Directions are as follows:

Buy a Kirin light beer (or beer of choice), and a hot sake shot separately. Make sure that you ask for a large cup (for the beer). Place two chopsticks at the top of the large cup, carefully placing the sake cup on top, and drop it like it's hot! 

8. MOROCCO - Pomegranate Mimosa

Here you can find one of the few full open bars at the park. At the Spice Road Table, the bartenders are able to create any drink your heart desires. It is a whole new world in there.

The Pomegranate mimosa isn't your average mimosa. It is probably the most underrated drink on the menu, but worth getting. After the mimosa, take your taste buds on a magic carpet ride with a baklava. Before you decide on closing your tab, ask the bartender for one to take on the road. 

9. FRANCE Grand Marnier & Grey Goose Orange Slush and/or  Ice-cream Martini

Pardon my french, but these drinks are the s***. This country definitely deserves a tie breaker. Trust me, they are worth every penny.

If you aren't lactose intolerant, the Ice Cream Martini is a must! Travel to France, and walk deep into the France pavilion, where you can spot L'Artisan des Glaces. Once you step foot into the ice cream shop, the aromas will make you fall in love. If you ask for an Ice Cream Martini, they will ask for the liquor, and flavor(s) of gelato preferred. The liquor choices consist of Grand Marnier, Whipped Cream Vodka or Rum. As for the ice cream flavors, the choices are confined to the flavors on display. When I visited, I chose the Grand Marnier, with Vanilla and Chocolate ice cream, and it couldn't have been more magical. 

Afterwards, cool off some more with the Grand Marnier & Grey Goose Orange Slush at Les Vins des Chefs de France. Contrary to scientific belief, your body will thank you with this alcoholic beverage. It is a refreshing frozen drink that will leave you wanting seconds. For this concoction, Grand Marnier, Rum, Grey Goose Orange and Orange Juice are mixed to perfection. It's magnifique!

10. UNITED KINGDOM - Leaping Leprechaun

Melissa Rodriguez

Stumble your way to the Rose & Crown Pub, and order a Leaping Leprechaun. As described by our trusty bartender, it is the British version of a subtle long island iced tea. This drink contains Jameson Irish Whiskey, Don Q Cristal Rum, Skyy Vodka, Melon Liqueur, and Sweet-and-Sour finished with Sprite, need I say more? 

While your are there, do not forget to buy the Fish and Chips at the Yorkshire Country Fish Shop. You won't regret it.

11. CANADA - La Fin Du Monde

Last stop, Canada. While at the Great White North, grab a La Fin Du Monde beer. You might also want to consider ordering a side of poutine fries, a cronut, maple popcorn, or why not one of each? Rumor has it, the Popcorn in Canada stand makes some amazing popcorn. Hmm, coincidence much?

Congratulations, you made it! You have officially completed all the countries...on the Disney map, of course. With that said, I hope this guide helps navigate your way throughout the park, and that you successfully complete drinking around the world. 

Best of luck travelers!